Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Figure 40.7. Injectable TEB preparation and application. 25 (A) Cultured
MSCs, (B) prepared PRP, (C) the clinical application form of TEB, and
(D) live cells (green color) and nonactive cells (red color) in TEB after
implantation. See also Color Insert.
PRP, extracted one day before surgery, was isolated in a
collection bag containing an anticoagulant, citrated by centrifu-
gation, and stored at 22 C in a conventional shaker until used
(Fig. 40.7B). Powdered human thrombin (5,000 units; Yoshitomi
Co., Japan) was dissolved in 10% calcium chloride in a separate
sterilecup.TEBwaspreparedasdescribedpreviously. 19 , 20 , 25 Briefly,
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