Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Figure 5.6: Cross-section of the PDF images estimated by the kNN rule. Brighter
areas correspond to higher probabilities. (a) Gray level image. (b-d) Probability
for vessel, background and bone, respectively.
belong to a certain class, P ( I ( x ) = i | x C j ). All tissue classes are assumed to
be equiprobable.
The Bayes rule is then applied to calculate the posterior probability for a given
voxel to belong to a particular class given its intensity, P ( C j = c j | I ( x ) = i ).
The MAP classifier uses the maximum a posteriori probability estimate after
anisotropic smoothing [24] to obtain a classification of the voxels of the image
C j = arg
c j ∈{ C 0 , C 1 , C 2 }
P ( C j = c j | I ( x ) = i )
where P corresponds to the posterior probabilities after diffusion driven by
the equation
t = div P
1 / 3
|∇ P |
|∇ P |
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