Biomedical Engineering Reference
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where I σ represents the convolution of the image with a Gaussian kernel and
I σ its gradient. The parameters λ i σ represent the eigenvalues of the Hessian
matrix of the image I σ , ordered by increasing magnitude.
Training Set Normalization
As is classical in pattern recognition theory, the feature vectors of the training
set are normalized. We applied the normalization
f n µ n
σ n
f n m
where f n , µ n and σ n are the value of the n -th component of the m th feature
vector, and the mean and the standard deviation of the n th component over the
training set, respectively [23].
Probability Density Function Estimation
The kNN rule is used to estimate the underlying PDF as follows. For a given voxel
x , the feature vector f ( x ) is defined as in Eq. (5.2) and normalized as in Eq. (5.3).
Then, the k nearest feature vectors are found in the training set according to
the Euclidean distance. The probability for a voxel of intensity i to belong to a
tissue class C j , is computed from the formula
x L j N k ( x ) d ( f ( x ) , f ( x ))
x N k ( x ) d ( f ( x ) , f ( x ))
P ( I ( x ) = i | C j ) =
where L j represents the set of points in the training set that belongs to the class
C j , N k ( x ) is the set of the k nearest neighbors and d represents the Euclidean
distance. Figure 5.6 shows an example of the probability density functions es-
timated by the kNN rule. In the sequel, C 0 , C 1 and C 2 will stand for vessel,
background and bone class, respectively.
Maximum A Posteriori Tissue Classification
A MAP tissue classifier is used to obtain a partition of the image domain into
regions matching with vessel, background and bone. The probabilities estimated
from the kNN rule provide a learned prior probability for a particular voxel to
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