Graphics Reference
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7. Click on the Add: Pick points button and click inside the area representing
the outer wall. Press [Enter].
8. Click Preview to see the results of the hatching, then press [Enter] to end
the command.
9. Start the Hatch command again and select the Type as Predefi ned .
10. Click on Swatch and select the ANSI tab. Select the ANSI32 pattern.
11. Set the Scale
12. Click on the Add: Pick points button and click inside the area representing
the inner walls. Press [Enter].
13. Click Preview to see the results of the hatching, then press [Enter] to end
the command.
14. Save the fi le and close it.
While you are hatching, there are some options in the Hatch command that
you should know in order to have full control over the hatching process.
At the right side of the dialog box, there is a part labeled Options :
This is an advanced feature related to printing.
Associative means that there is a relationship between the hatch and the
boundary. Whenever the boundary changes, the hatch changes automatically.
It is recommended to keep this option selected.
Assume you have the following shape, which you want to hatch:
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