Graphics Programs Reference
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In this drawing, red circles have been provided that indicate the loca-
tions of inlets. If you study the placement of these inlets, you'll notice
that some of them have been placed at low points, as indicated by the
alignment labels. To prevent the inlets at the low points from being
overloaded, additional inlets have been placed between low points and
high points to collect some of the runoff. Figure 14.7 further illustrates
inlet placement in the drawing.
2. On the Home tab of the ribbon, click Pipe Network  Pipe Network
Creation Tools.
High Point
Inlets Between
Low Point and
High Point
Low Point
Inlets At
Low Point
Downhill Slope
FiGuRE 14.7 Inlet placement
3. In the Create Pipe Network dialog box, do the following:
a. For Network Name, enter Storm1 .
b. For Network Parts List, select Storm Sewer.
c. For Surface Name, select Road FG.
d. For Alignment Name, select Jordan Court.
e. Click OK.
4. You're prompted to specify a structure insertion point. In the left view-
port, zoom in to the red circles at Jordan Court station 5+50 (0+170).
On the Network Layout Tools toolbar, do the following:
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