Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Ribbon Appearance if you're in a hurry. Figures 1.6-1.8 show the Sketch tab in
different modes.
FIGURE 1.6 The Sketch tab in Text Off mode
FIGURE 1.7 The Sketch tab in Small mode
FIGURE 1.8 The Sketch tab in Compact mode
The Ribbon itself can also be reduced in size to maximize screen space.
A small icon appears next to the tab names. Click it once, and the Ribbon is
reduced to showing only the panel names of the selected tab; a second click
removes the panels, leaving only the list of tabs. A third click of the button
restores the Ribbon to its full display in whatever mode you had selected.
Hovering over or clicking the collapsed panel name causes the panel to
expand, revealing the tools. If the panel name is concealed, click the tab name;
the Ribbon appears for a short time or until you select a tool or click another
part of the screen.
Selecting a tool on the Ribbon often causes a dialog box to appear on the
screen. Let's review some of the things you need to know about dialog boxes.
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