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Making sense of a low memory report, which is effectively just a process list
Each app and process has a hex UUID, which is simply a long, random number. It doesn't contain useful debug-
ging information.
Although the list doesn't appear very detailed, you can use it to check whether your apps have memory leaks.
For example, the ZettaClock app (refer to Figure 10.7), a simple clock app, is using 16,636 memory pages.
Although Mobile Safari tripped the memory error and is using than 20,000 pages, ZettaClock contributed to the
low memory and is likely to be leaking. With this information, you can use Xcode's other diagnostic tools to
find and eliminate the leak.
Unfortunately, Apple's own apps may hog or leak memory, so memory errors aren't uncommon. But it's easy to
use a report to see whether a native app is creating a problem or whether it's one of your apps.
Note that the dump shows only RAM—internal working memory separate from the main flash memory. The
available RAM for each device is shown in Table 10.1.
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