Database Reference
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Proactive caching
MOLAP cubes have a big drawback and that is that they will only have the data up to
the point of the last processing. There is an option that you can use to mitigate this,
and that is proactive caching. Analysis Services and SQL Server can communicate
between the processes so that SQL Server notifies Analysis Services whenever data
changes. Analysis Services will then read this data from the relational sources, re-
calculate any aggregations, and then switch out the old data and aggregations with
the new information. Proactive caching can be defined on both dimensions and par-
When it is used, Analysis Services uses the trace functionality in SQL Server to cap-
ture any of the changes. This means that it only works automatically whenever you
have bound the object to a table. If it is bound to a query, you can specify a separate
notification table that will be used in the trace definition.
Proactive caching can also be used together with scheduled polling of the data
source. With this configuration, you have the ability to specify polling queries that are
used to determine if the data in a partition or dimension have been updated.
Adding a ROLAP dimension to the FirstCube
Perform the following steps to change the storage mode of the FactInter-
netSales2009andAbove partition:
1. On the Partition tab, mark the FactInternetSales2009andAbove parti-
tion and click on Storage Settings .
2. Change Standard setting to Real-time ROLAP .
3. Click on the Options button.
4. Click on the Notifications tab and change the notifications to SQL Server
and check the box Specify tracking tables .
5. Choose FactInternetSales (dbo) as the tracking table and click on
OK .
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