Database Reference
In-Depth Information
The indexed view feature has also been described in the following whitepaper:
is use of columnstore indexes . They are defined in the database and store the data
in another format as compared to relational tables. In testing, columnstore indexes
have shown very good results when used together with the queries that you typically
issue against a data warehouse.
For more information about columnstore indexes, refer to the following article:
The wiki on columnstore indexes also contains valuable information on how
to get the best performance from them and this is available at ht-
columnstore-index-faq.aspx .
ROLAP is getting more and more common in large data warehouse scenarios, both
due to the fact that the processing takes too much time, as well as the advances that
have been done in the relational engine with regards to performance and the new
types of data warehouse appliances that are available today such as SQL Server
Parallel Data Warehouse
nologies/data-warehousing/pdw.aspx .
In HOLAP, you are storing the aggregations in Analysis Services, but the detail data
is stored in the relational source. You need to process the cube to get the latest data
and during the processing, Analysis Services will read all the data at the detailed
level from the source, then it will create the aggregations and drop all the detail data.
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