Database Reference
In-Depth Information
When you use ROLAP against a SQL Server source with tracking tables
as the notification method, Analysis Services uses a trace on the SQL
Server side to get a notification when data changes. This means that the
service account for Analysis Services needs the ALTER TRACE privilege
or System Administrator privileges on SQL Server.
After configuring the ROLAP partition, you can see the trace by running
SELECT * FROM sys.traces . When you execute this query, you will
find a row with reader_spid that is not NULL . If you run SELECT *
FROM sysprocesses WHERE spid = <reader_spid from the
previous query> , you will see that the application that runs the trace
is Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services.
6. Click on OK to save the partition change.
7. Right-click on the FirstCube database and choose Process to deploy the
8. Click on the Browser tab.
9. Drag in the Fact Internet Sales Count measure, verify that you have 60398
as the value.
10. Open up SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the relational
database instance that contains your AdventureWorksDW2012 database.
11. Execute the following query that will add a row to the FactInternetSales
--Listing 4.5
insert into FactInternetSales values(225,
20100101, 20100101, 20100101, 18759, 1,
100, 6, 'SO75123', 4, 1, 1,
8.99, 8.99, 0, 0, 6.9223, 6.9223, 8.99,
0.7192, 0.2248,
NULL, NULL, '2010-01-01 00:00:00.000',
'2010-01-01 00:00:00.000', '2010-01-01
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