Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
245 Brazil Ave
Pine St and Fillmore St (near the starting point)
(To see each stop on the map click the location under Stops. The selected stop turns cyan on
the map. If you got them out of order you can put them back in order by dragging them in the
list. The order is important.)
18. Dismiss the Find window. Zoom to the Stops (6) layer extent.
Now that the stops are established, you can have Network Analyst create a route.
19. Click the Solve (Run the current analysis) button on the Network Analyst toolbar. Right-click on
Routes (1). The route will be shown. Click the button that will give you the Directions window.
How long is the trip? ________ miles. How many minutes will it take? ________. Peruse the
Directions window. Click on the word Map next to a direction to see a detailed map of the
described turn. In the T/C, add Label Features to Streets to understand the directions. Examine
the map. Dismiss the Directions window.
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