Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
How it works...
Once the addMessage method is called in the Controller class, ControlBuilder
creates a new gameMessage instance. The interactOnClick element tells
gameMessage to call removeMessage when clicked, supplying its index as id .
After its built and added to messageQueue , we populate the title and content elements of
the message. Using # in the ID of these elements is preferred by Nifty for non-unique IDs.
The gameMessage instance is not visible upon creation, and we call show() to make it
play the onShow effect we defined.
The Move effect is set up to have offsetX , which is outside of the screen. If it's too low,
there will be a pop effect as it comes into existence. It's set to reach the target position in
100 ms. Messages will stack up nicely without any additional work when they are added.
The messages are set to disappear when clicked, as defined in the builder, through the in-
teractOnClick method. Instead of just removing them, we want to play a short fade ef-
fect to make the transition smoother. Simply hiding them won't be enough in this case
either. Since they still occupy a position in the messageQueue panel, the remaining mes-
sages won't align properly.
Hence, we want to call markForRemoval on the gameMessage element. Doing this
instantly, however, would remove it before our hide effect is played. This why we supply
an EndNotify object that is handled once the hide effect is done with playing; then, we
add the markForRemoval call in here instead.
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