Hardware Reference
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Figure 11-8. The Configuration folder
This is where you configure the settings for RISC OS. There are no files to edit or obscure configuration files:
it's all WIMP.
Click the Network icon. You will then have another window pop up with three options:
AUN, Access, and Internet. I want to show you what each network technology is before you
go and fix your network access.
The first network type is Acorn Universal Networking, or AUN for short. When the BBC
Micro was released it had the ability to be networked via a network system called Econet.
Econet was originally used to share small files between the machines and to share floppy
and hard disk devices across the network. As time went by and Ethernet and TCP/IP
became more of the industry standard, this meant Econet was losing a lot of ground.
Acorn Computers ported Econet to run over TCP/IP and AUN was born. If you have more
than one RISC OS machine on your network, you may want to enable AUN. Access allows
you to share system resources over a network. This network may be AUN or a TCP/IP
network. The Access option is enabled by default. You can see it's enabled as it has a green
dot under the icon whereas the other two networking options have gray dots.
The last icon is Internet and this allows you to configure TCP/IP settings.
Click the Internet icon and you should see the Internet configuration window like
in Figure 11-9 .
Figure 11-9. The Internet configuration options
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