Cryptography Reference
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However, instead of selecting the subkey with the most hits, we instead eliminate any key that ever shows an
impossible difference.Repeating this enough times, we will eventually be left with a single candidate subkey.
Repeat this a sufficient number of times for different subkeys, and we will eventually be left with a reasonable
number of keys to check through brute-force. Performing a 25-round attack can recover the full key in about 2 27
steps. However, when we hit 26 rounds, this becomes 2 49 steps and gets worse from there.
The above key recovery attack, unfortunately, only seems to work for up to about 26 rounds of the full
32-round Skipjack. With 31 rounds, Biham et al. [4] instead found that they would have to check every single
key. Luckily, checking every single key does not require performing the complete encryption or decryption: It
can be limited to a handful of computations of the G -function. Since a full encryption works by using several
G -function computations, as long as we keep the number of G computations down below the amount required
for a full encryption, we are still doing less work than would be required on a normal exhaustive attack. The
authors predict about 2 78 steps, with 2 64 bits of memory (2,048 petabytes). This is still faster than an exhaustive
attack, which would require 2 80 steps.
One of the most important contributions of the concept of impossible differentials is that the normal method
of“proving”ciphersecureagainstdifferential cryptanalysis —thatbycreating averylowupperboundonprob-
abilities of differentials in the components — is flawed. If there are a sufficient number of zero or low-probab-
ility differentials, then the impossible differential attack can be carried out.
Furthermore, this same attack can be applied with conditional characteristics and differentials, as well as lin-
ear cryptanalysis.
7.14 Boomerang Attack
So far, we have been focusing almost entirely on top-down approaches to cryptanalysis: Our attacks work by
taking information about the plaintext, and deriving some feature of the ciphertext that we will test. How often
the test succeeds gives us a likelihood that a key is correct.
Theaboveattackwithimpossibledifferentials,aswellasthepreviouslydiscussedmeet-in-the-middle attack,
shows us that this view may be missing out on some advantages to working both ends at once. Linear cryptana-
lysis even uses some of this symmetry to help derive more key bits.
The boomerang attack is another differential meet-in-the-middle attack [20].
The basic premise uses four pairs of plaintexts and their associated ciphertexts:
Using the premises of Reference [20], let's break the encryption operation ( E ) into two subparts: E 0 (the first
half of the encryption) and E 1 (the second half of the encryption). For example:
I'll denote the inverse operations of E 0 and E 1 , as in, the decryption operations, as E 0 -1 and E 1 -1 , respectively.
From the above, we would also have
Here, we will have to develop two characteristics, one for the first half of the encryption, E 0 , and one for the
second half's decryption, E 1 -1 :
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