Agriculture Reference
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Redwood or cedar shakes make very attractive roofs that can last 50 years or more.
Shake roofs are warm even without insulation; they are cool in summer and condensation
is generally not a problem if the barn is not heated. But they are expensive, and the labor
cost to lay wood shingles is very high. In addition, they are considered a fire hazard and
may affect your insurance rates. Shakes should be used only on a roof with at least a 1/4
pitch so that water drains off and the shingles dry out quickly.
Concrete and clay roof tiles and quarried slate tiles come in a variety of colors and
designs that will last almost indefinitely. They are more expensive and more difficult to
install than most other roofing materials. Masonry roofing products are heavy and require
more support than other types of roofing; however, they are stable and fireproof.
This raised-center-aisle (RCA) barn features windows and vents under the upper
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