Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
The LAYER command
The LAYER command (alias LA ), has several new columns, when called on layouts.
These columns allow you to specify different layer properties only in this viewport:
New VP Freeze : When creating new viewports, visibility of existing layers
is controlled by this column
VP Freeze : This column allows freeze or thaw layers only in the current
viewport, being the same as the third column of the layers' list
VP Color : This column allows to modify the layers' colors only for the act-
ive viewport
VP Linetype : This column allows to modify layers' line-types only for the
active viewport
VP Lineweight : This column allows to modify layers' lineweights only for
the active viewport
VP Transparency : This column allows to modify layers' transparencies
only for the active viewport
VP Plot Style : If the drawing plot style is STB based, it allows specifying
names of the active plot style only for the active viewport:
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