Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Nucella lamellosa
C O 2 : 385; 785; 1585
6 days
Gain in shell weight in live snails decreased linearly with increasing CO 2 . This
trend was paralleled by a loss in weight in empty shells suggesting that the
observed decline may not be due to a decrease in rates of deposition, but
rather an increase in dissolution.
pH NBS : 7.98; 7.80; 7.54
Osilinus turbinata
p CO 2 : 334; 957; 20812
Volcanic vent
Specimen were absent in areas where minimum pH T < 7.4.
pH T : 8.14; 7.83; 6.57
Ω a : 3.91; 2.43; 0.19
Patella caerulea
p CO 2 : 334; 957; 20812
Volcanic vent
Specimen were absent in areas where minimum pH T < 7.4.
pH T : 8.14; 7.83; 6.57
Ω a : 3.91; 2.43; 0.19
Saccostrea glomerata
C O 2 : 375; 600; 750; 1000
24-48 h
Smaller sizes, lower fertilization, fewer and more abnormal larvae (D-veliger
stage) increased with prolonged increase of high p CO 2 .
Saccostrea glomerata
p CO 2 : 220; 509; 776
8 days
Larval survival decreased by 43% at pH NBS 7.8 and by 72% at pH NBS 7.6 relative
to control pH. No signii cant difference in mass was observed, but morphology
and shell-surface properties were signii cantly affected. Per cent of empty shells
remaining from dead larvae also decreased with decreasing pH indicating
pH NBS : 8.10-8.14; 7.78-7.84;
Ω a : 1.15; 0.64; 0.45
Strombus luhuanus
p H U : 7.936-7.945; 7.897-7.899
6 months
In the initial stages of the experiment, growth rates were not signii cantly
different between different pH treatments, but were signii cantly different at
the end of the experiment. For one experimental run, mortality was higher in
treatment conditions, but for a second run, there were no signii cant
differences in mortality.
Net calcii cation rate (wt% day - 1 ) increased between Ω a 0.7 and 1.5 but
remained relatively constant between Ω a 1.5 and 2.5.
Strombus alatus
C O 2 : 409; 606; 903; 2856
60 days
Ω a : 2.5; 2.0; 1.5; 0.7
Tellina agilis
p H U : 8.1; 7.5
68 days
No statistical differences in bivalve density as a function of time in the two
Ω a : 0.95±0.05; 0.29±0.013
Calcii cation rate increased linearly (wt% day - 1 ) as a function of increasing Ω a .
Urosalpinx cinerea
C O 2 : 409; 606; 903; 2856
60 days
Ω a : 2.5; 2.0; 1.5; 0.7
Bryozoans ( Callopora lineata , Electra
posidoniae, Microporella ciliata ,
Tubulipora spp.)
p CO 2 : 311; 306; 365; 549; 1564
pH T : 8.17; 8.17; 8.11; 8.00; 7.66
Ω a : 4.16; 4.10; 3.74; 3.17; 1.89
Volcanic vent
No signii cant effect was observed in per cent cover of bryozoans on seagrass
blades as a function of a natural gradient in CO 2 in a natural seagrass
(continued )
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