Java Reference
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When draw() is called, Graphics2D uses the object passed to setStroke()
tofigureoutwhattheoutlinelookslikeandusestheobjectpassedto setPaint()
to paint the outline's pixels.
Theonlyclassthatimplementsthisinterfaceis java.awt.BasicStroke ,which
pen's trajectory), end caps, join styles, miter limit, and dash attributes.
A shape's outline is infinitely thin and is drawn with a pen that has a certain width,
this outline and into the shape's interior.
tionsareknownas end caps . BasicStroke declares CAP_BUTT , CAP_ROUND ,and
CAP_SQUARE constantstoindicatethatnoendcapsarepresent,thatasemicirclewith
a radius equal to half of the pen width appears at both ends, or that a rectangle with a
length equal to half of the pen width appears at both ends.
Whentwolinesegmentsmeet, Graphics2D usesa join style tojointhemtogether
so that they don't present a ragged edge. BasicStroke declares JOIN_BEVEL ,
JOIN_MITER ,and JOIN_ROUND constantstoindicate beveled (squaredoff), mitered
(sharpened to triangular points), or rounded joins. When the miter exceeds a specified
miter limit, the join is beveled.
Finally, BasicStroke letsyouspecifydashedlinesbyprovidingadasharrayand
adashphasevalue.The dash array containsfloating-pointvaluesrepresentingtheuser
space lengths of visible and invisible sections of line segments. Even-indexed array
elements determine lengths of visible sections; odd-indexed array elements determine
lengths of invisible sections.
units, 6 invisible units, 8 visible units, 6 invisible units, and so on.
The dash phase is a floating-point offset into the dash pattern specified by the dash
array; it is not an offset into the array. When the dash phase is 0, the line segment is
stroked as indicated in the previous example. However, when a nonzero dash phase is
first array entry.
For example, given the previous array, suppose you specified a dash phase of 3.0.
lowed by 6 invisible units, 8 visible units, 6 invisible units, and so on.
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