Game Development Reference
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encrypting - To convert a message into a form that resembles garbage data, and cannot
be understood except by someone who knows the ciphr and key used to encrypt the
escape character - Escape characters allow the programmer to specify characters in
Python that are difficult or impossible to type into the source code. All escape characters
are preceeded by a \ forward backslash character. For example, \n displays a newline
character when it is printed.
evaluate - Reducing an expression down to a single value. The expression 2 + 3 +
1 evaluates to the value 6 .
execute - The Python interpreter executes lines of code, by evaluating any expressions
or performing the task that the code does.
exit - When a program ends. "Terminate" means the same thing.
expression - Values and function calls connected by operators. Expressions can be
evaluated down to a single value.
file editor - A program used to type in or change files, including files of Python source
code. The IDLE program has a file editor that you use to type in your programs.
floating point numbers - Numbers with fractions or decimal points are not integers.
The numbers 3.5 and 42.1 and 5.0 are floating point numbers.
flow chart - A chart that informally shows the flow of execution for a program, and the
main events that occur in the program and in what order.
flow control statements - Statements that cause the flow of execution to change,
often depending on conditions. For example, a function call sends the execution to the
beginning of a function. Also, a loop causes the execution to iterate over a section of code
several times.
flow of execution - The order that Python instructions are executed. Usually the
Python interpreter will start at the top of a program and go down executing one line at a
time. Flow control statements can move the flow of execution to different parts of code in
the program.
function - A collection of instructions to be executed when the function is called.
Functions also have a return value, which is the value that a function call evaluates to.
function call - A command to pass execution to the code contained inside a function,
also passing arguments to the function. Function calls evaluate to the return value of the
garbage data - Random data or values that have no meaning.
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