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task easier.
conversion specifiers - The text inside a string that makes use of string interpolation.
The most common conversion specifier is %s , which specifies that the variable it
interpolates should be converted to a string.
cpu - see, Central Processing Unit
crash - An event that happens because of a runtime error. After crashing, the program
immediately terminates.
cryptanalysis - The science of breaking secret codes and ciphers.
cryptography - The science of making secret codes and ciphers.
data types - A category of values. Some types in Python are: strings, integers, floats,
boolean, lists, and NoneType.
debugger - A program that lets you step through your code one line at a time (in the
same order that Python executes them), and shows what values are stored in all of the
decrementing - To decrease a numeric value by one.
decrypting - To convert an encrypted message to the readable plaintext version.
def statement - A statement that defines a new function. The def statement begins with
the def keyword, followed by the function name and a set of parentheses, with any
number of parameter names delimited by commas. At the end is a : colon character. For
example, def funcName(param1, param2):
delimit - To separate with. For example, the string 'cats,dogs,mice' is delimited
with commas.
dictionary - A container data type that can store other values. Values are accessed by a
key. For example, spam['foo'] = 42 assigns the key 'foo' of the spam dictionary
the value 42 .
else statement - An else statement always follows an if statement, and the code
inside the else-block is executed if the if statement's condition was False .
empty list - The list [] , which contains no values and has a length of zero. See also,
empty string.
empty string - The string '' , which contains no characters and has a length of zero.
See also, empty list.
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