Game Development Reference
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global scope - The scope of variables outside of all functions. Python code in the
global scope cannot see variables inside any function's local scope.
hard-coding - Using a value in a program, instead of using a variable. While a variable
could allow the program to change, by hard-coding a value in a program, the value stays
permanently fixed unless the source code is changed.
hardware - The parts of a computer that you can touch, such as the keyboard, monitor,
case, or mouse. See also, software.
higher-level programming languages - Programming languages that humans can
understand, such as Python. An interpreter can translate a higher-level language into
machine code, which is the only language computers can understand.
IDLE - Interactive DeveLopment Environment. IDLE is a program that helps you type in
your programs and games.
I/O - Input/Output. This is a term used in reference of the data that is sent into a program
(input) and that is produced by the program (output).
immutable sequence - A container data type that cannot have values added or deleted
from it. In Python, the two immutable sequence data types are strings and tuples.
import statement - A line of code with the import keyword followed by the name of
a module. This allows you to call any functions that are contained in the module.
incrementing - To increase the value of a numeric variable by one.
indentation - The indentation of a line of code is the number of spaces before the start
of the actual code. Indentation in Python is used to mark when blocks begin and end.
Indentation is usually done in multiples of four spaces.
index - An integer between square brackets that is placed at the end of an ordered
container variable (most often a list) to evaluate to a specific item in that container. The
first index starts at 0, not 1. For example, if spam refers to the list ['a', 'b', 'c',
'd'] , then spam[2] evaluates to 'c' .
index error - An index error occurs when you attempt to access an index that does not
exist. This is much like using a variable that does not exist. For example, if spam refers to
the list ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] , then spam[10] would cause an index error.
infinite loop - A loop that has a condition that always evaluates to True , which makes
the loop keep looping forever. The only way to exit an infinite loop is with a break
input - The text or data that the user or player enters into a program, mostly from the
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