Game Development Reference
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or for loop to the first line after the end of the loop's block.
brute force - In cryptography, to try every possible key in order to decrypt an
encrypted message.
bugs - Errors in your program's code. The three types of bugs are syntax errors, runtime
errors, and semantic errors.
caesar cipher - A simple substitution cipher in which each symbol is replaced by one
and only one other symbol.
cartesian coordinate system - A system of coordinates used to identify exact points
in some area of space (such as the monitor, or on a game board). Cartesian coordinates
systems commonly have two coordinates, one of the X-axis (that is, the horizontal left-right
axis) and one of the Y-axis (that is, the vertical up-down axis).
case-sensitivity - Declaring different capitalizations of a name to mean different
things. Python is a case-sensitive language, so spam , Spam , and SPAM are three different
central processing unit - CPU, the main chip that your computer uses to process
software instructions.
cipher - In cryptography, an algorithm used to encrypt and decrypt messages with a
certain key.
ciphertext - In cryptography, the encrypted form of a message.
comment - Part of the source code that is ignored by the Python interpreter. Comments
are there to remind the programmer about something about the code. Comments begin with
a # sign and go on for the rest of the line.
commutative property - The property of addition and multiplication that describes
how the order of the numbers being added or multiplied does not matter. For example, 2 +
4 = 6, and 4 + 2 = 6. Also, 3 * 5 = 15, and 5 * 3 = 15.
comparison operators - The operators < ("less than"), <= ("less than or equal to"), >
("greater than"), >= ("greater than or equal to"), == ("equal to"), and != ("not equal too").
condition - Another name for an expression, one that exists in an if or while
statement that evaluates to a boolean True or False value.
constant variables - Variables whose values do not change. Constant variables are
often used because it is easier to type the name of the variable then the value that they store.
As a convention, constant variable names are typed in all uppercase letters.
convention - A way of doing things that is not required, but is usually done to make a
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