Game Development Reference
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absolute value - The positive form of a negative number. For example, the absolute
value of -2 is 2. The absolute value of a positive number is simply the positive number
AI - see, artificial intelligence
algorithm - A series of instructions to compute something.
applications - A program that is run by an operating system. See also, program.
arguments - The values that are passed for parameters in a function call.
artificial intelligence - Code or a program that can intelligent make decisions (for
example, decisions when playing a game) in response to user actions.
ASCII art - Using text characters and spaces to draw simple pictures.
assembly language - The simplest programming language. Assembly language
instructions are a human-readable form that can directly translate into machine code
assignment operator - The = sign. Used to assign values to variables.
assignment statement - A line of code that assigns a value to a variable using the
assignment operator. This defines, that is, creates the variable when used with a new
variable. For example: spam = 42
asterisk - The * symbol. The asterisk is used as a multiplication sign.
augmented assignment operator - The += , -= , *= , and /= operators. The
assignment spam += 42 is equivalent to spam = spam + 42 .
block - A group of lines of code with the same amount of indentation. Blocks can
contain other blocks of greater indentation inside them.
boolean - A data type with only two values, True and False .
boolean operator - Boolean operators include and , or , and not .
break point - A break point can be set on a specific line of code, which will cause the
debugger to take over when that line is executed while running the program under a
break statement - The break statement immediately jumps out of the current while
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