Java Reference
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TABLE 3-3 : Methods Useful for Testing Characters
isDigit() Returns the value true if the argument is a digit (0 to 9), and false otherwise.
isLetter() Returns the value true if the argument is a letter, and false otherwise.
isLetterOrDigit() Returns the value true if the argument is a letter or a digit, and false otherwise.
Returns the value true if the argument is whitespace, which is any one of the follow-
ing characters:
space ( ' ' )
tab ( '\t' )
newline ( '\n' )
carriage return ( '\r' )
form feed ( '\f' )The method returns false otherwise.
You can find information on other methods in the Character class in the JDK documentation for the
The conditional operator is sometimes called a ternary operator because it involves three operands. It is
best understood by looking at an example. Suppose you have two variables of type int with the names
yourAge and myAge , and you want to assign the greater of the values stored in yourAge and myAge to a third
variable, older , which is also of type int . You can do this with the following statement:
older = yourAge > myAge ? yourAge : myAge;
The conditional operator has a logical expression as the first of its three operands — in this case, it is the
expression yourAge>myAge . If this expression is true , the operand that follows the ? symbol — in this case,
yourAge — is evaluated to produce the value resulting from the operation. If the expression yourAge>myAge
is false, the third operand that comes after the colon — in this case, myAge — is evaluated to produce the
value from the operation. Thus, the result of this conditional expression is yourAge , if yourAge is greater
than myAge , and myAge otherwise. This value is then stored in the variable older . The use of the conditional
operator in this assignment statement is equivalent to the if statement:
if(yourAge > myAge) {
older = yourAge;
} else {
older = myAge;
Remember, though, the conditional operator is an operator and not a statement, so you can use it in a
more complex expression involving other operators.
The conditional operator can be written generally as:
logical_expression ? expression1 : expression2
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