Java Reference
In-Depth Information
If the logical_expression evaluates as true , the result of the operation is the value of expression1 ,
and if logical_expression evaluates to false , the result is the value of expression2 . Note that if ex-
pression1 is evaluated because logical_expression is true , then expression2 is not, and vice versa.
You can use the conditional operator in lots of circumstances, and one common application of it is to
control output, depending on the result of an expression or the value of a variable. You can vary a message
by selecting one text string or another depending on the condition specified.
TRY IT OUT: Conditional Plurals
Type in the following code, which adds the correct ending to 'hat' depending on how many hats you
public class ConditionalOp {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int nHats = 1; // Number of hats
System.out.println("I have " + nHats + " hat" + (nHats == 1 ? "."
: "s."));
nHats++; // Increment number of hats
System.out.println("I have " + nHats + " hat" + (nHats == 1 ? "."
: "s."));
The output from this program is the following:
I have 1 hat.
I have 2 hats.
How It Works
The result of executing the conditional operator in the program is a string containing just a period when
the value of nHats is 1, and a string containing an s followed by a period in all other cases. The effect
of this is to cause the output statement to automatically adjust the output between singular and plural.
You can use the same technique in other situations, such as where you need to choose “he” or “she” for
example, as long as you are able to specify a logical expression to differentiate the situation in which
you should use one rather than the other. A more challenging application you could try is to append “st,”
“nd,” “rd,” or “th” to a date value, such as in “3rd November” or “4th July.”
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