Java Reference
In-Depth Information
2. The following UML diagram shows the relationship between a class called
PizzaOrder and a class called Pizza :
-numPizzas: int
+addPizzaToOrder(in char size, in boolean pepperoni, in boolean sausage, in boolean mushrooms)
+calcCost( ): double
-pepperoni: boolean
-sausage: boolean
-mushrooms: boolean
-size: boolean
+Pizza(in char size, in boolean pepperoni, in boolean sausage, in boolean mushrooms)
+getSize( ): char
+getNumToppings( ): int
The word “in” means the parameter is used to deliver data to the method.
The Pizza class contains information about a specific pizza . The variables of
pepperoni, sausage, and mushrooms are booleans that indicate whether or not
these toppings are present on the pizza. The size variable is a character of value 's' ,
'm' , or 'l' to indicate small, medium, or large. There is also a Pizza constructor
that initializes all of these values. The getSize() method returns the size of the
pizza and the getNumToppings() method returns a number from 0-3 depending
on what toppings are present (e.g., if the pizza has pepperoni and mushrooms, it
would be 2).
The PizzaOrder class contains an array of Pizza 's. There is a method to add a
new pizza to the array (which increments numPizzas ) and also a method to calcu-
late the cost of the entire order. A small pizza costs $8, a medium pizza is $10, and
a large pizza costs $12. Each topping adds $1 to the pizza.
The arrow connecting PizzaOrder to Pizza indicates that the PizzaOrder class
has a reference to the Pizza class, but not vice versa. The solid diamond on the
PizzaOrder class is a UML construct that indicates that the PizzaOrder class has
a collection of the Pizza class. There may be many (*) Pizza 's for a single (one)
PizzaOrder .
Given this information, write Java code that implements the Pizza and
PizzaOrder classes. Also, write a test main function that creates a pizza order, adds
several pizzas to it, and outputs the cost of the order.
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