Java Reference
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3. The UML diagram below shows the relationship between four classes. Implement
the classes in a test program that creates instances of CreditCard , Cash , and
Check . Output the string description of each. Note that the italicized Payment
class indicates that this is an abstract class. The word “in” means the parameter is
used to deliver data to the method.
#amount: double
+Payment(in amount double )
+toString( ) :String
+Cash(in amount double )
-RoutingNumber: String
-Name: String
-Expiration: String
-Name: String
-Number: String
+Check(in double amount, in String number, in String name)
+getNumber( ): String
+setNumber(in String newNumber)
+getName( ): String
+setName(in String newName)
+CreditCardin(in double amount, in String name, in String number, in String expiration)
+getNumber( ): String
+setNumber(in String newNumber)
+getExpiration( ): String)
+setExpiration (in String newExpiration)
+getName( ): String
+setName(in String newName)
4. Use the Model-View-Controller pattern to implement a simple timer-based coun-
ter. The counter should start at a user-specified initial value and increment by one
every second until it reaches a user-specified final value. A UML diagram depicting
the three classes for the pattern is shown below. The word “in” means the param-
eter is used to deliver data to the method.
+CounterModel(in initialValue int )
+Increment( ): void
+Display(in int counterValue)
+CounterController(in int startValue, in int endValue)
+Start( )
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