Java Reference
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private static void interchange( int i, int j, double [] a)
double temp;
temp = a[i];
a[i] = a[j];
a[j] = temp; //original value of a[i]
5. An array of random values would have the fastest run time, because it would divide
the array segments into approximately equal subarrays most of the time. The other
two cases would give approximately the same running time and would be signifi-
cantly slower, because the algorithms would always divide an array segment into
very unequal size pieces, one piece with only one element and one piece with the
rest of the elements. It is ironic but true that our version of the quick sort algo-
rithms has its worst behavior on an already sorted array. There are variations on the
quick sort algorithms that perform well on a sorted array. For example, choosing
the middle element as the splitting value will give good performance on an already
sorted array. But, whatever splitting value you choose, there will always be a few
cases with slow running time.
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1. The UML diagram below describes a class named Movie . Implement this class
in Java and test it from a main method that creates several Movie objects. The
printDescription() method should output all member variables for the class.
— title: String
— minutes: int
— year: int
# price: double
+ Movie(in String title, in int year, in double price)
+ getTitle( ): String
+ setTitle(in String newTitle)
+ printDescription( )
The word “in” means the parameter is used to deliver data to the method.
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