Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Steps to convert a BSO application into an ASO application:
° Open the BSO outline that you wish to convert, select the Essbase
database and click on the File | Wizards | Aggregate Storage
Outline Conversion option. You will see the first screen Select
Source Outline . The source of the outline can be in a file system
or on the Essbase Server . In this case, we have selected the OTL
from the Essbase Server and then click Next as shown in the
following screenshot:
° In the Next screen, the conversion wizard will verify the
conversion and display a message that the conversion has
completed successfully. Click Next .
° Here, Essbase prompts you to select the destination of the ASO
outline. If you have not yet created an ASO application, you
can click on the Create Aggregate Storage Application on the
bottom-right corner of the screen as shown in the next screenshot:
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