Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
The Data file cache setting is the size of the buffer used to load the database page files
into memory. This setting is only relevant if you have your database set to Direct I/O .
Buffered I/O is the default and on all but the largest of data loads has tweaking this
setting made any noticeable difference. The Data file cache setting can be set as large
as the combined total size of all of the database page files. On a 30GB database setting,
the page file cache size may not be practical, or even possible, especially if you only
have 16 GB of system RAM!
For the Data cache setting , it is usually fine left where it is at the default setting of
3072KB. The recommended maximum size is 0.125 times the size of the Data file
cache setting . Only change this setting if you are experiencing performance issues
and have many concurrent users accessing the database.
The Index page setting is a static number and cannot be set by you. Oracle
has determined that 8KB is sufficient for a database index page size.
For better performance, Oracle advises to keep all of
the databases set to use Buffered I/O or Direct I/O,
and not a combination of both settings on the same
physical server.
Data load and storage settings
We will now briefly cover the available options for optimizing your system's data
loading and data storage capabilities. As is always recommended, the default
settings are in most cases, more than adequate, so you should make any changes
carefully and test each one fully to determine if the change is warranted or not.
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