Databases Reference
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Essbase | Zoom In is a nice, convenient way to add new members to your report
without a lot of effort.
Zooming out on your data
Perhaps you have noticed a pattern here. We have a pair of functions that basically
perform similar, but opposite tasks. The Essbase | Zoom Out function performs
exactly the opposite task as the Essbase | Zoom In function.
Once again, how you have your Essbase Options set for the zoom function,
will determine how Zoom Out behaves.
If you have your Zoom options set to Next Level and you select a Zero Level member
on your worksheet, then click Essbase | Zoom Out , and Essbase will replace the
selected member with the member next up in the outline. Typically this would be
a Parent member of the selected member. As seen in the following screenshot, if
you select Pickup truck and click on Essbase | Zoom Out, you update the Microsoft
Excel sheet with the parent level member of the Pickup, which in this case is the Total
Vehicles member as shown:
Pivot Essbase members on your spreadsheet
The Essbase | Pivot function is another nice tool in your toolbox. This function
pivots members that you have placed on your worksheet as row headers upto
columns headers and vice versa. To use this function all you need to do is to select,
for instance, a group of row members and then click Essbase | Pivot and Essbase
will pivot them upto be column members.
Another handy task that Pivot will perform for you is to transpose column or row
members with another column or row grouping. You will need to have the secondary
mouse button functionality enabled in your Essbase | Options for this to work.
With the secondary mouse button enabled just click and hold on the member you
want to swap and drag it on top of the member you want to swap with. While you
are not actually clicking the Essbase | Pivot for this functionality Essbase considers
it to be a part of the pivot functionality.
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