Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Using the Remove Only function
After just reading about the Essbase | Keep Only function it should be pretty
obvious what the Essbase | Remove Only function does.
The Remove Only function removes only the members you have selected on your
Microsoft Excel worksheet. If we look at the example in the Keep Only function, we
see that Essbase removed all unselected members of a row or column in the worksheet.
Remove Only will only remove the members that are selected. Therefore, to keep all
of the 4 door car data as in the example above, you would select the 2 Door Sedan and
click on Essbase | Remove Only . This will remove the 2 Door Sedan, leaving you
behind the data for the 4 Door Sedan as shown in the following screenshot:
Zooming in on your data
Here is a nice function to get familiar with. Before we explain how this function
works, please remember the setting of the Essbase Options screens where there
are options to set the Zoom function's behavior.
To use the Essbase | Zoom In function simply select any parent level members of
a dimension listed on your Microsoft Excel worksheet and click Essbase | Zoom In .
It's that easy.
Let's say your Essbase Options for the Zoom functions are set to Bottom Level and
Keep Selection . You select the Total Vehicles member on your worksheet and click
on Essbase | Zoom In . Your sheet now has all of the Zero level members from the
Total Vehicles dimension, as well as the Total Vehicle s member itself as shown in
the following screenshot:
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