Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
The Expand to Descendents button will do just that. It will drill-down on the member
you have selected and expand your view all the way to the zero level members. The
Clear button will clear your selections and the Member Information button, when
clicked, will open a small display window containing information such as UDAs,
and so on, as shown in the following screenshot:
Finally, on the bottom of the left side of the Member Selection screen are the options
for setting the View Method . By now, you should be able to recognize the different
choices. For simplicity's sake we will stick with the By Member Name setting.
On the right side of the Member Selection screen is the Rules section. This is where
the members you select are moved to so you can verify your selections or apply
advanced selection rules to the members.
Once again, Essbase is full of little tricks that make your life easier. If you remember,
from the prior screenshot, the METRIC dimension is shown in the Members area of
the screen. The four children of METRIC are also shown because the view has been
expanded to show this. Let's say you want all four children selected and moved to
the Rules section of the screen. You could accomplish this in several ways:
• Double-click each individual member to move it to the Rules section
• Hold down the Ctrl key and click on each individual member to highlight
it, then click the Add button
• Double-click the METRIC member to move it to the Rules section,
then apply advanced selection rules
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