Databases Reference
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When you click the Preferences button, you open the Preferences screen. In the
Preferences screen (shown below), you can set the preferences for the current cube
view. You can set up the number of Undo steps and also format the Member cells
and Data cells by clicking on the Format Cells tab. The Format Cells checkbox is
checked by default.
Selecting this tab in the Cubeview screen allows you to set up the data formatting
properties for the current cube view grid. These properties are only applicable to
the current session and cannot be saved. Some of the properties that can be set are
as follows:
Drill level : When you perform a drill-down on the data, you can choose
whether you want to do a drill-down to the Next level , Bottom level, or
Sibling Level . By default, the drill level is set to Next level.
• You can choose to Suppress Zeros , Suppress Missing and Suppress
Underscores from being displayed in your report.
• Selecting Display Alias Names will display member names using the
alias table selected by you.
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