Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
<ROW("Total Vehicles", "Model Year")
This example will place members from the Total Vehicles and Model Year
dimensions into the report output as row members.
<PAGE(comma separated dimension list)
<PAGE (Market)
This example will place members from the Market dimension into the report
output as page members.
Data range commands
The data range commands are a good example of the limitations in data selection we
mentioned earlier. As of this writing, there are only three commands available to you.
After you look at the coding examples, you will see why we spoke of limitations.
<BOTTOM ([<rowgroupDimension>,]<rows>, <column>)
<BOTTOM (100, @DATACOL(2))
With the BOTTOM command, the returned data is sorted in descending order by
the data values and the bottom number of rows, as specified by parameter two
for the column specified in parameter three is returned.
In the example, the bottom 100 rows of data would be sorted according to
the values in data column number two.
The TOP command is identical, but returns the top number of rows specified.
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