Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
We discuss in-depth task automation for your Essbase system in future chapters.
Here, we will show what a basic EssCmd script should look like to execute your
Gross Stock database calculation script.
What the EssCmd script looks like
The basic coding of an Essbase Command Script (EssCmd) is shown below.
We would enter the code for the EssCmd as shown and then save it as GrsStk.scr
on the Essbase analytic server in the Application or Database folder:
OUTPUT 1 "c:\Esscmd.log";
LOGIN "EssServerID" "EssID" "EssPass" "ESSCAR" "ESSCAR";
We will cover in-depth Essbase command scripts and how to write and use them in
a future chapter. In the meantime, for more information, refer to the online technical
reference included with your EAS software.
• The irst command statement you see is the OUTPUT statement. This
statement, followed by the number 1 and a path and filename, tells Essbase
to begin logging the execution of this script and where to put the log.
• Next, the LOGIN statement, followed by a space separated list, will remotely
connect to the Essbase server. The list includes the server name or IP
Address, the Essbase ID, the password for the Essbase ID, the application
name you want to connect to, and the Essbase database name.
• Here is the command we are now using! The RUNCALC command statement
is followed by a number and the calculation script name. In this case, the
number 2 tells Essbase that the calculation script is an analytic server stored
Essbase object. The calc type is followed by the calculation script name.
• Next up is the OUTPUT statement again. This time, we have coded a 3 after
the command which tells Essbase to turn off the logging output.
• Finally, we code the LOGOUT and EXIT commands. The LOGOUT statement
disconnects the script from Essbase and the EXIT command exits the script
from the Essbase session.
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