Graphics Programs Reference
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4. Put the mouse in the Node Editor window and add an Image Texture
node (press Shift + A and go to Texture | Image Texture ), then add
a Mapping node (press Shift + A and go to Vector | Mapping ) and a
Texture Coordinate node (press Shift + A and go to Input | Texture
Coordinate ).
5. Connect the Texture Coordinate node's Generated output socket to the
Vector input socket of the Mapping node, then its Vector output to the
Vector input of the Image Texture node. Also connect the Image Tex-
ture node's Color output to the Color input of the Diffuse BSDF shader.
6. Set the mode of the Camera view to Rendered . The rendered cube turns
pink because there isn't any image texture loaded yet, as shown here:
7. Click on the Open button in the Image Texture node. Browse to the tex-
tures folder and select the rockcolor_tileable_low.png image
(this is just for the sake of this exercise, obviously you can use any other
image you wish).
8. As we selected Generated as mapping mode, the image is mapped flat
on the cube from the z axis and it appears stretched on the sides of the
cube. Disconnect the Generated output of the Texture Coordinate node
and connect instead the Object node instead. Click on the Flat button on
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