Graphics Programs Reference
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19. Add a Frame ( Shift + A | Layout | Frame ), select all the nodes except of
the Texture Coordinate , the Mapping , and the Material Output nodes,
then press Shift to select the Frame and Ctrl + P to parent them. Rename
the frame BRICKS .
20. Now add a Diffuse BSDF shader, a Glossy BSDF shader, and a Mix
Shader and connect them as usual; connect the Mix Shader output to
the Surface input socket of the Material Output node (that is, to tempor-
arily replace the connection of the brick material and see the result in the
Rendered camera view).
21. Set the Diffuse roughness to 0.850 . Add a Layer Weight node ( Shift + A
| Input | Layer Weight ) and connect the Fresnel output to the Fac input
socket of the Mix Shader node; set the Blend factor to 0.150 .
22. Add a Voronoi Texture node ( Shift + A | Texture | Voronoi Texture ), a
Noise Texture node ( Shift + A | Texture | Noise Texture ), and two Mus-
grave Texture ( Shift + A | Texture | Musgrave Texture ) nodes; place
them vertically in a column in this order from the top: Voronoi , Noise ,
Musgrave , and Musgrave .
23. Add four ColorRamp nodes ( Shift + A | Convertor | ColorRamp ) and
place each one of them close to each one of the texture nodes; connect
the Color output of each texture to the Fac input socket of the respective
ColorRamp .
24. Connect the Vector output of the Mapping node to the Vector input sock-
ets of the four new texture nodes.
25. Go to the Voronoi Texture node and set the Scale to 200.000 . Set the
Interpolation of its ColorRamp to Ease , move the black color marker a
bit to the right (right under the middle of the Ease word, between the let-
ters a and s, to be clear), and the white color marker to the full left.
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