Graphics Programs Reference
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Add a Math node ( Shift + A | Convertor | Math ) and connect the color
ColorRamp output to the first Value input socket of the Math node; set
the operation to Multiply and the second Value to -3.000 .
12. Add a Mix node ( Shift + A | Color | Mix ), set the Blend Type to Multiply ,
the Fac value to 0.700 , and connect the output of the Difference node to
the Color1 and the output of the last Multiply math node to the Color2
input socket.
13. Go to the second Voronoi Texture node and set the Scale to 600.000 .
Set the respective ColorRamp interpolation to Ease and move the black
color marker a little bit to the right (right under the E of the Easy word ,
to be clear) and the white color marker to the full left. Add a Math node
( Shift + A | Convertor | Math ) and connect the color ColorRamp output
to the first Value input socket of the Math node; set the operation to Mul-
tiply and the second Value to 0.050 .
14. Add a Mix node ( Shift + A | Color | Mix ), set the Blend Type to Divide ,
the Fac value to 0.005 , and connect the output of the multiply Mix node
to the Color1 and the output of the last multiply Math node to the Color2
input socket.
15. Add a Bump node ( Shift + A | Vector | Bump ) and connect the Divide
node output to its Height input socket, then connect its Normal output to
the Normal input sockets of the Diffuse and of the Glossy shaders. Set
the Strength to 1.000 .
16. Add a Brick Texture node ( Shift + A | Texture | Brick Texture ) and con-
nect the Mapping node output to the Vector input socket. Set these val-
ues: Scale 5.500 , Mortar Size 0.005 , Row Height 0.150 ; set the Color1
as R 1.000, G 0.227, B 0.051, the Color2 as R 0.462, G 0.051, B 0.012,
and the Mortar color as RGB 0.555.
17. Add a Mix node ( Shift + A | Color | Mix ) and connect the color output of
the Brick Texture to the Color1 input socket; set the Color2 to R 0.658,
G 0.095, B 0.020, the Blend Type to Color , and the Fac value to 0.550 .
18. Add a new Mix node ( Shift + A | Color | Mix ) and connect the Color out-
put of the color Mix node to the Color1 input socket; set the Color2 to R
0.597, G 0.056, B 0.012. Connect the color output of the ColorRamp of
the last Voronoi Texture to the Fac input socket of the Mix node and the
output of this latter to the Color input sockets of both the Diffuse and the
Glossy shader nodes.
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