Graphics Programs Reference
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16. Add a Bright/Contrast node (press Shift + A and go to Color | Bright/
Contrast ) and paste it between the third ( Musgrave ) ColorRamp node
and the Color2 input of the first Multiply node. Set Contrast to -0.700 .
17. Add a Frame (press Shift + A and go to Layout | Frame ). Press Shift to
multiselect the four texture nodes, the four ColorRamp nodes, the three
Mix nodes, the Bright/contrast node, and Hue Saturation Value nodes
and, last, the just added Frame . Press Crtl + P to parent all the selected
elements to the Frame . Press N in the Node Editor window to bring out
the Active Node panel and rename the Frame as 1st Bump . If you want,
provide a background color to it (by checking the Custom Color box).
18. Add a Voronoi texture, two Musgrave textures, one Noise texture (press
Shift + A | Texture ), and one ColorRamp node (Press Shift + A and go
to Convertor | ColorRamp ). Move them above and adjust the textures
in a column with the ColorRamp node to their side. Connect the second
Musgrave color output to the Fac input of the ColorRamp node.
19. Set the ColorRamp node's interpolation to B-Spline and move the white
marker three-fourths to the left. Switch the Voronoi texture's coloring
from Intensity to Cell and set the Scale value to 8.000 . Set both the
Musgrave texture's type to Hetero Terrain . Set the first texture's Scale
to 3.696 and the second's Scale to 2.192 . Also, for both the textures,
set Detail to 3.500 , Dimension to 0.300 , and Lacunarity to 3.000 . In
the Noise texture, set the Scale value to 15.000 , Detail to 16.000 , and
Distortion to 0.400 .
20. Select the Mapping node and (press Shift ) one texture node, and then
press F to automatically connect the Vector output of the Mapping node
to the Vector input of the texture. Do this for all the new texture nodes,
one at a time.
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