Graphics Programs Reference
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21. Add three Mix nodes (press Shift + A and go to Color | Mix , then press
Shift + D ) and move them above as well. Change their blend types to
Screen , Multiply , and Divide respectively.
22. Connect the first top Voronoi texture's Fac output to the Color1 input of
the Screen node and the color output of the first Musgrave texture to the
Color2 input of the Screen node, then connect its output to the Color1
input of the Multiply node. Connect the color output of the ColorRamp
node to the Color2 input of the Multiply node. Connect the output of the
Multiply node to the Color1 input socket of the Divide node and the Fac
output of the Noise texture to the Color2 input of the Divide node.
23. Add an Invert node (press Shift + A and go to Color | Invert ) and connect
the output of the Divide node to the input of the Invert node. Add a new
Frame and parent all these new nodes to the Frame . Rename it as 2nd
Bump .
24. Finally, add a Mix node (press Shift + A and go to Color | Mix ) and drag
it to be pasted just before the Bump node. Change its Blend Type to
Multiply and increase the Fac value to 1.000 . Connect the output of the
Invert node to the Color1 input socket of this Mix node.
25. Now select the Diffuse shader and press Shift + D to duplicate it. Then,
add a Mix Shader node (press Shift + A and go to Shader | Mix Shader )
and paste it between the first Diffuse shader and the Material Output
node. Connect the second Diffuse shader to the empty Shader input
socket of the Mix Shader node.
26. Change the color of the first Diffuse shader to R 0.365 , G 0.379 , B 0.400 ,
set the Roughness value to 1.000 . Change the color of the second Dif-
fuse shader to R 0.130 , G 0.092 , B 0.075 and set the Roughness value
to 1.000 .
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