Graphics Programs Reference
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5. Connect the Mix node output to the color input of the Diffuse shader.
6. In the Voronoi textures, switch Coloring from Intensity to Cells . In the
first Voronoi texture, set Scale to 2.700 , and in the second to 16.000 .
7. Select the Screen node and press Shift + D to duplicate it. Drag it to the
link connecting the Screen node and the Diffuse shader to paste it in
between. Set its Blend Type to Multiply and the Fac value to 0.950 .
Connect the Color output of the Musgrave texture to the Color2 input of
the Multiply node.
8. Set the Musgrave scale to 2.776 , Detail to 3.500 , Dimension to
0.100 , and Lacunarity to 1.796 .
9. Select the Multiply node and press Shift + D to duplicate it. Paste it on
the link connecting the first Multiply node with the Diffuse shader. Set its
Fac value to 0.300 and then connect the Fac output of the Noise texture
to the Color2 input.
10. Set the Noise texture's Scale value to 7.980 , Detail to 16.000 , and
Distortion to 2.380 .
11. Add a Bump node (press Shift + A and go to Vector | Bump ) and connect
its Vector output to the Vector input of the Diffuse shader. Then, connect
the second Multiply output to the Height input socket of the Bump node.
Disconnect the link to the shader color input.
12. Add four ColorRamp nodes (press Shift + A and go to Convertor | Co-
lorRamp , then press Shift + D ) and paste them, one for each texture
node, on the four links to the Mix nodes. Set their interpolation to B-
Spline . In the first two (connected to the Voronoi nodes) links, move the
black color marker to the middle of the slider. You can actually edit only
the first ColorRamp slider, then put the mouse cursor on the slider. Press
Crtl + C to copy it and, with the mouse cursor in the slider of the second
one, press Crtl + V to paste it.
13. In the third ColorRamp (connected to the Musgrave texture) node, move
the black marker only one-fourth to the right. In the fourth node (connec-
ted to the Noise texture), move the black marker to the middle and the
white marker almost one-fourth to the left.
14. Set the Bump strength value to 1.000 .
15. Add a Hue Saturation Value node (press Shift + A and go to Color | Hue
Saturation Value ) and paste it between the Screen node and the Color1
input of the first Multiply node. Set Value to 10.000 .
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