Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
14. Add a RGB node (press Shift + A and go to Input | RGB ). Add a Mix
node (press Shift + A and go to Color | Mix ). Connect both the Color
outputs of the RGB and Image Texture nodes to the Color1 and Color2
input sockets of the Mix node. Connect the Color output of the Mix node
to the Color input sockets of the Diffuse and Glossy shaders.
15. Click on the color slider of the RGB node and set these values: R 0.407 ,
G 0.323 , and B 0.293 . Connect the Color output of the ColorRamp node
to the Fac input of the Mix node.
16. In the Texture Coordinate node, set the Y rotation angle to 20° and set
the scale for all the three axes to 0.500 :
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