Java Reference
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private BinaryNodeInterface<T> findLargest(BinaryNodeInterface<T> rootNode)
if (rootNode.hasRightChild())
rootNode = findLargest(rootNode.getRightChild());
return rootNode;
} // end findLargest
The private method removeLargest . To remove the node with the largest entry, we cannot simply
call findLargest and then remove the returned node. We cannot remove a node from a tree know-
ing only its reference. We must have a reference to its parent as well. The following recursive
method removes the node with the largest entry—that is, the rightmost node—but unfortunately it
must repeat the search that findLargest just performed.
// Removes the node containing the largest entry in a given tree.
// rootNode is the root node of the tree.
// Returns the root node of the revised tree.
private BinaryNodeInterface<T> removeLargest(BinaryNodeInterface<T> rootNode)
if (rootNode.hasRightChild())
BinaryNodeInterface<T> rightChild = rootNode.getRightChild();
BinaryNodeInterface<T> root = removeLargest(rightChild);
rootNode = rootNode.getLeftChild();
return rootNode;
} // end removeLargest
The method begins much like findLargest . To remove the rightmost node from the given tree,
we remove the rightmost node from tree's right subtree. The recursive call returns the root of the
revised subtree. This root must become the right child of the original tree's root.
When a tree's root has no right child, the left child is returned, effectively deleting the root.
Notice that this recursive method does not explicitly keep track of the parent of the current right
child. Rather, a reference to this parent is retained in the implicit stack of the recursion.
Note: The previous recursive approach to removing an entry from a binary search tree is
typical. A language, such as Java, that uses only call-by-value to pass arguments tends to
complicate this recursive implementation by forcing methods to return references to root
nodes. You might find the following iterative approach somewhat easier to understand. Since
it deletes the node containing the inorder predecessor without repeating the search for it, the
iterative remove is more efficient than the recursive version.
An Iterative Implementation
The algorithm. Recall that the method remove is given an entry that matches the entry to be
removed from the tree. So remove 's first step is to search the tree. We locate the node whose data
matches the given entry, and we note the node's parent, if any. Whether we delete the node we've
found or another one depends on how many children it has. Although Segment 25.19 listed three
possibilities, we can collapse them into two cases:
The node has two children
The node has at most one child
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