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node having two children, we must find the largest entry in the node's left subtree. We remove the node
containing this largest entry. The largest entry then replaces the entry to be removed.
The following algorithm summarizes these steps:
Algorithm removeFromRoot(rootNode)
// Removes the entry in a given root node of a subtree.
if (rootNode has two children )
largestNode = node with the largest entry in the left subtree of rootNode
Replace the entry in rootNode with the entry in largestNode
Remove largestNode from the tree
else if (rootNode has a right child )
rootNode = rootNode 's right child
rootNode = rootNode 's left child // possibly null
// Assertion: if rootNode was a leaf, it is now null
return rootNode
The private method removeFromRoot . The implementation of the previous algorithm calls the private
methods findLargest and removeLargest , which we will write shortly. Although removeFromRoot is
not recursive, both findLargest and removeLargest are.
Given the root of a subtree, removeFromRoot returns the root of the subtree after a node is removed.
// Removes the entry in a given root node of a subtree.
// rootNode is the root node of the subtree.
// Returns the root node of the revised subtree.
private BinaryNodeInterface<T> removeFromRoot(BinaryNodeInterface<T> rootNode)
// Case 1: rootNode has two children
if (rootNode.hasLeftChild() && rootNode.hasRightChild())
// find node with largest entry in left subtree
BinaryNodeInterface<T> leftSubtreeRoot = rootNode.getLeftChild();
BinaryNodeInterface<T> largestNode = findLargest(leftSubtreeRoot);
// replace entry in root
// remove node with largest entry in left subtree
} // end if
// Case 2: rootNode has at most one child
else if (rootNode.hasRightChild())
rootNode = rootNode.getRightChild();
rootNode = rootNode.getLeftChild();
// Assertion: if rootNode was a leaf, it is now null
return rootNode;
} // end removeEntry
The private method findLargest . The node with the largest entry will occur in the rightmost
node of a binary search tree. Thus, as long as a node has a right child, we search the subtree rooted
at that child. The following recursive method performs this search, given the tree:
// Finds the node containing the largest entry in a given tree.
// rootNode is the root node of the tree.
// Returns the node containing the largest entry in the tree.
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