Java Reference
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In the second case, we delete the node itself. But if the node has two children, we delete another
node that has at most one child. That is, we transform Case 1 into Case 2.
The following pseudocode describes what remove must do:
Algorithm remove(entry)
result = null
currentNode = node that contains a match for entry
parentNode = currentNode 's paren t
if (currentNode != null ) // that is, if entry is found
result = currentNode 's data (the entry to be removed from the tree)
// Case 1
if (currentNode has two children )
// get node to remove and its parent
nodeToRemove = node containing entry 's inorder predecessor; it has at most one child
parentNode = nodeToRemove 's parent
Copy entry from nodeToRemove to currentNode
currentNode = nodeToRemove
// Assertion: currentNode is the node to be removed; it has at most one child
// Assertion: Case 1 has been transformed to Case 2
// Case 2: currentNode has at most one child
Delete currentNode from the tree
return result
The public method remove . We will implement the major steps of the previous algorithm as pri-
vate methods that remove can call. The private method findNode locates the node that contains a
match for the given entry. Since we need a reference to that node as well as one to its parent, we
make findNode return a pair of nodes. To that end, we design a private class NodePair that has con-
structors and the accessor methods getFirst and getSecond . NodePair will be an inner class of our
class BinarySearchTree .
The private method getNodeToRemove finds the node containing the inorder predecessor of the
the entry in a given node. Since we also need that node's parent, the method returns a pair of nodes
as an instance of the class NodePair .
Finally, the private method removeNode deletes a node that has at most one child. We give the
method references to the node and its parent, if any.
Using these private methods, we can implement remove , as follows:
public T remove(T entry)
T result = null ;
// locate node (and its parent) that contains a match for entry
NodePair pair = findNode(entry);
BinaryNodeInterface<T> currentNode = pair.getFirst();
BinaryNodeInterface<T> parentNode = pair.getSecond();
if (currentNode != null ) // entry is found
result = currentNode.getData(); // get entry to be removed
// Case 1: currentNode has two children
if (currentNode.hasLeftChild() && currentNode.hasRightChild())
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