Java Reference
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ReturnObject is an inner class that has a single data field and simple methods set and get to
manipulate it. Initially, oldEntry 's data field is null , since remove returns null when the entry is
not found in the tree.
Thus, the public remove has the following implementation:
public T remove(T entry)
ReturnObject oldEntry = new ReturnObject( null );
BinaryNodeInterface<T> newRoot = removeEntry(getRootNode(), entry,
return oldEntry.get();
} // end remove
The private method removeEntry . Since remove handles the communication with removeEntry , most
of the algorithm of Segment 25.28 is left for removeEntry . If the entry to be removed is in the root,
removeEntry calls the yet-to-be-written method removeFromRoot to remove it. If the entry is in either of
the root's subtrees, removeEntry calls itself recursively. The implementation of removeEntry follows:
// Removes an entry from the tree rooted at a given node.
// rootNode is a reference to the root of a tree.
// entry is the object to be removed.
// oldEntry is an object whose data field is null.
// Returns the root node of the resulting tree; if entry matches
// an entry in the tree, oldEntry's data field is the entry
// that was removed from the tree; otherwise it is null.
private BinaryNodeInterface<T> removeEntry(BinaryNodeInterface<T> rootNode,
T entry, ReturnObject oldEntry)
if (rootNode != null )
T rootData = rootNode.getData();
int comparison = entry.compareTo(rootData);
if (comparison == 0)
// entry == root entry
rootNode = removeFromRoot(rootNode);
else if (comparison < 0)
// entry < root entry
BinaryNodeInterface<T> leftChild = rootNode.getLeftChild();
BinaryNodeInterface<T> subtreeRoot = removeEntry(leftChild,
entry, oldEntry);
// entry > root entry
BinaryNodeInterface<T> rightChild = rootNode.getRightChild();
rootNode.setRightChild(removeEntry(rightChild, entry, oldEntry));
} // end if
} // end if
return rootNode;
} // end removeEntry
The algorithm removeFromRoot . The previous method removeEntry removes the entry in the root of
a given subtree by calling the method removeFromRoot . In that method, we see whether the root node
has zero, one, or two children and then proceed according to the discussion in Segments 25.20 through
25.27. If the given node has at most one child, we delete the node and its entry. To remove the entry in a
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