Java Reference
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FIGURE 25-12
(a) Two possible configurations of a root that has one child;
(b) after removing the root
Node N
Node N
Node C
Node C
Node C
A Recursive Implementation
The algorithm. The entry to be removed from the tree is the one that matches the object passed to
the method remove as its argument. The method returns the removed entry. The following recursive
algorithm describes the method's logic at a high level:
Algorithm remove(binarySearchTree, entry)
oldEntry = null
if (binarySearchTree is not empty )
if (entry matches the entry in the root of binarySearchTree)
oldEntry = entry in root
removeFromRoot( root of binarySearchTree)
else if (entry < entry in root )
oldEntry = remove( left subtree of binarySearchTree, entry)
else // entry > entry in root
oldEntry = remove( right subtree of binarySearchTree, entry)
return oldEntry
The method removeFromRoot will remove the entry in the root of a given subtree based on how
many children belong to the root.
The public method remove . We have several details to consider before implementing the previous
algorithm. The public method remove should have only one parameter— entry —so just as the
method add calls the private recursive method addEntry , remove will call a private recursive
method removeEntry .
As we mentioned in Segment 25.8, we will pass the root of the tree, instead of the tree itself, to
removeEntry . Since the method might remove the root node from the tree, we must be careful to
always retain a reference to the tree's root. As a result, we make removeEntry return a reference to the
root of the revised tree, which remove can save. But removeEntry must also give to remove the entry
it removes. A solution is to pass another parameter— oldEntry —to removeEntry and have the
method change its value to the removed entry. Thus, the header for removeEntry will be
private BinaryNodeInterface<T> removeEntry(BinaryNodeInterface<T> rootNode,
T entry, ReturnObject oldEntry)
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