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Figure 2.13
A circuit (Manchester encoder) in which multiple inputs can change at the same time, subjecting
the output to glitches that cannot be prevented with a combinational circuit.
Figure 2.14
Glitch elimination with a l ip-l op.
The problem with the solution above is that it covers only transitions in which just
one input value changes. Because in actual designs multiple inputs can change
(approximately) at the same time, this approach is of little practical interest.
An example in which more than one input can change is depicted in
i gure 2.13,
which consists of a Manchester encoder. Figure 2.13a shows the circuit ports, and
i gure 2.13b shows the waveform that must be produced at the output ( dout must be
a '1'-to-'0' pulse when din = '0' or a '0'-to-'1' pulse if din = '1'). Looking at the wave-
forms, we verify that dout = clk when din = '0' or dout = clk
when din = '1', so this
encoder can be implemented with a simple multiplexer, as depicted in
i gure 2.13c.
Observe, however, in i gure 2.13b, that clk and din can change at the same time, so
uni xable glitches are potentially expected. Indeed, the last plot for dout in i gure 2.13b
takes into account such a possibility (due to different propagation delays), resulting
in a series of glitches. Just for completeness, note that the trivial multiplexer of i gure
2.13c, having the equation dout = clk din ′ + clk
din , can be implemented using just an
XOR gate for din and clk , as shown in i gure 2.13d.
If the combinational circuit is part of a synchronous system (as in state machines),
then there is a simple—and, more importantly, systematic and guaranteed—solution
for glitch elimination, which consists of passing the noisy signal through a DFF.
Because glitches in a synchronous signal can only appear right after a clock edge, when
such a signal is passed through a DFF the resulting output will be automatically free
from glitches. This procedure is illustrated in i gure 2.14, where d (synchronous) has
glitches but q has not. Note that there is a price to pay, however, which is one clock
cycle (if the same clock edge that produces d is used in the DFF) or one-half of a clock
cycle (if the opposite clock edge is employed) of delay with respect to the original
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