Graphics Programs Reference
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Row B appears as seen in the following screenshot:
In this row we ind the same structure as in row A, but this ime the blurring is not
as strong (X and Y sizes are set to 60), and the blurring method is set to Cubic. The
series of RGB Curves showing each channel for a single node of its type show
that all the channels were brightened up, being the blue the one that received the
strongest lit. Connecion between nodes is again as trivial as for row A.
Rows A and B serve the purpose of creaing the nebula look; a blueish nebula can be
deduced from the strong pushing we made to that channel in both rows. The reason
for using two rows of nodes with almost the same setup is because it introduces
variaion both in color and shape that's needed to break with the simple look that
only one of these setups would produce. Though this nebula sill looks quite basic,
the stars we are going to add later will help it to look much beter.
10. Examining row C we find a more complex setup:
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